Dear reader,
How very nice that you show interest in the most eminent committee of Study Association Watt.
As the name of our committee implies, we are not a committee for the average electrical farmer.
The ProminenCie has character.
The ProminenCie has class.
And above all; the ProminenCie has the praesidium.
Once a year the ProminenCie organizes the cantus. A cantus is a singing and drinking feast, where it is all about sociability, singing together and fraternization while enjoying a beer. Experience shows that it is extremely difficult for some participants to behave properly. Fortunately, the praesidium will guide the evening strictly but fairly, so that everyone gets what is due to him/her.
Because there are only a limited number of places each year, we advise you to register as soon as possible after the opening of the registration desk.
For questions and cooperation you can reach us via our e-mail address:
Was signed,
The ProminenCie of study association Watt
Postscript: ‘Vo for the members!