Networking? What is an elevator speech? LinkedIn? Sounds scary, right?
On 9 April from 17:00 to 19:30 we will have a workshop in collaboration with Saxion Study Success Center where you will learn all about do & don’ts and how to present yourself during a speeddating session or a company market like the LED Company day!
This workshop will have a parallel session for Dutch and English speakers. The English session will additionally talk about cultural differences on the work floor, and what you need to do if you want to work in the Netherlands after your studies. In case you have any other questions, Dionysia is open to answer your questions.
What about dinner?
In the form below you will be able to give your order for Domino’s for during the break. It will be 30% off.
If you have any questions, feel free to send an email to workshops@svwatt.com