Lunchlezing Roboteam Twente

RoboTeam Twente is a multidisciplinary team of students from the University of Twente. We aspire to innovate in both robotics and Artificial Intelligence. Next, we want to inspire everyone for these two sectors and show the world what can be achieved with them. We believe robotics and Artificial Intelligence can make the world a better place if used correctly.
We use Robotics and Artificial intelligence to create the best robot soccer team in the world.
Our medium to achieve these goals is the RoboCup, this year in Bordeaux, France. We will compete at the world championship of robot soccer in which two teams of eleven small robots will compete with each other. This is the fourth year the team participates in the RoboCup. The team consists of students from different backgrounds, such as Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science, Advanced Technology and ATLAS University College. In the DesignLab of the University of Twente we have a special soccer field, on which we will frequently test our robots and in the near future play practice matches. If you don’t want to miss anything of our progress and if you want to be notified when we are going to practice, follow us on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn or subscribe to our newsletter!