Cancelled: Lecture TSST

Twente Solid State Technology (TSST) is founded in 1998 as a spin-off of the University of Twente. The company is specialized in the design and production of customer-specific deposition-devices for thin layers, with emphasis on the Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) devices for advanced research. An example is the usage of Reflection High Energy Electron Diffraction (RHEED) under relatively high pressures, with which, during the growth of the layer, information about the quality of the surface can be obtained. TSST machines are sold and used all around the globe.
PLD for the growth of thin layers
PLD has proven itself over the last years as a versatile mechanism for the growth of composed materials, and in particular for complex oxides. With PLD, a pulsed laser is being shot at a target. During the interaction between the laser and the target, plasma arises which, after the laser pulse is extinguished, expands and moves towards a substrate. At this substrate, the materials from the plasma will settle out to form a thin layer. Typical characteristics of PLD are that both the plasma and the layer will get the same composition as the target, that the depositions speed is relatively high, and that it’s extraordinarily suited for materials with a high melting point.
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