General Member Assembly

This meeting revolves around the board transfer from the 21st to the 22nd board.
The GMA is the backbone of our association. Attendees are involved in what happens to our association and can vote on who will be the next board and what the money is spent on.*
In your email, you’ll find the agenda, secretarial and financial year reports of 22-23, the candidate board’s policy plan, minutes of the 20-03 HGMA, minutes of the 14-07 EMA, articles of association, house rules, motion list and list of deliberations.
Domino pizzas will be ordered to be delivered during the GMA, look online at what pizza you prefer. Signing up is not necessary to attend the GMA, but we’d like to have the food order complete in advance.
You may authorize someone to vote in your stead by sending an e-mail to stating your name and who you authorize to vote, at least 24 hours in advance.
*Only members who are currently studying TN, EE, ACS (TI), NT or MT have the right to vote.
If you have any questions, feel free to reply to this e-mail.