Basics of Python & TensorFlow

Are you wondering how to start with Python, and are you interesting in machine learning models (which you can make with the TensorFlow library)? This workshop will of two evening sessions will be something for you! Read more about its contents below.
Session I / II (Tuesday 27 February)
50% Basics of Python:
- Hello, World!
- Variables and Types
- Lists
- Basic Operators
- String Formatting
- Basic String Operations
- Conditions
- Loops
- Functions
- Classes and Objects
- Dictionaries
- Generators
- List Comprehensions
- Regular Expressions
- Exception Handling
- Sets
50% TensorFlow, what is it used for and how do you use it (matrices, how do you use these matrices, what is a pre-trained model)
Session II / II (Tuesday 5 March)
100% TensorFlow (training model, importing a dataset, opt. explanation of library matplotlib to so the results of the model and its accuracy):
- TensorFlow
- Keras API
- Tensors
- How to use TensorFlow and Keras in Python
- Build a practical machine learning application using TensorFlow-Keras
If you have any questions, feel free to send a mail to